2020 Census


Berkshire Regional Planning Commission sent this data out today.

Amid the current COVID-19 crisis, we must not lose sight of the 2020 Census.  The Census Bureau continues to push forward with gathering the Census date, and paper forms will begin being mailed out this week to households that have not already completed the Census.  As of 7:00 this morning, the national response rate is 45.1%. The Massachusetts response rate is 46.5%, and the Berkshire County response rate is 40.6%.  

The Census Bureau has had to suspend field operations through next week, if not to the end of the month or beyond, but that doesn't mean residents cannot respond online (https://my2020census.gov/) or by phone (844-330-2020).

If you have not responded, please take a few minutes and make us count.

You can see how our community is doing - https://2020census.gov/en/response-rates.html

Thank you